Horse Light

Horse Light

Save electricity

Improve performance

Better daytime alertness


HorseLight delivers an optimized spectrum of light, at the right intensity to have a maximum effect on the Circadian Rhythm (Body Clock) of the horse by regulating the secretion of Melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone.

Normal white LED or fluorescent lights do not deliver blue light at the level of intensity required to have any real effect on Melatonin suppression.

By installing HorseLight you can be assured that your horse will gain from the huge range of health benefits that this unique light offers


"The horses are much more settled in their stables in the evening under the red light. 

They barely even look up during late hay and final checks! The lighting level in the stables is bright and natural feeling, not a harsh glare and it’s controlled by sensors so only switches on if it’s dark and gloomy.

The horses appear to be calm and happy this autumn and we are looking forward to the many health benefits of HorseLight light therapy."

Carl Hester

Invest in HorseLight today and notice the positive differences in your horses.
Suitable for single stables, rows of outdoor stables, American style indoor barns and loose barns for stud businesses.
If you are looking to purchase for a larger stable contact us for a good offer!
All HorseLights come with a five year guarantee.
Modern management methods mean that horses can spend a large proportion of the twenty four hour period in their stable with no exposure to daylight and many are disrupted by illumination at night. This system negatively impacts the horse’s circadian rhythm (body clock) and can result in lack of appetite and poor performance, impaired growth and diminished immune response.
- Better daytime alertness
- Improved rest and sleep pattern
​- Extends summer coat and body condition
- Encouraging the body to convert feed to muscle mass, meaning less feed required
- ​Studies show and owners report "happier' horses that are stabled commenting that they appear more relaxed and with noticeably fewer stable vices such as box walking, cribbing, weaving etc
- ​Reduced bacterial pathogens and fungal load leading to improved respiratory function and reduced cases of


It has long been acknowledged and research has shown that the introduction of light into the breeding cycle of mares in the winter months would bring them into season earlier.

Horses are known as "long-day-breeders.' This means that their normal cyclic activity is primarily activated by an increase in the length of daylight in early spring.

With technology now enabling us to select specific light spectrums and intensity and at different times of the year, we can optimise biological performance 

- Mares come into season earlier with stronger signals and have a more reliable ovulation pattern.

- Stallions display an earlier reproductive capacity

- Competition mares who are embryo transfer candidates will benefit from an earlier breeding season

​- Can help with producing earlier foals

Red night light acts as an observation light during foaling

DairyLight, the sister company to HorseLight, has had over a decade of success in the dairy and beef industry. HorseLight has now been introduced to provide the equine industry with biologically effective light.

Horses have a natural breeding season that extends from April to September in the northern hemisphere, a time coinciding with longer day length, grass growth and milder weather. The northern hemisphere specifies a universal birthday for horses of 1st January. Breeders therefore desire foals born early in the year to produce more mature yearlings and ready to race 2-year-old horses.

Studies show that annual earnings are significantly higher for horses born in January–February than for those born in April–June. For breeders to maximize their horses potential in racing in particular, it is common place to manipulate the mares' reproductively active period, to meet the official start date of the breeding season on 15th February. 

An artificial photoperiod of 16 hours light: 8 hours dark. This kind of Light Therapy can advance the breeding season (cycling of the mare) by as much as 3 months. This can be done by starting light therapy on 1st December. It is now commonplace to extend day length for 8–10 weeks from this date by exposing mares to artificial light for 16 hours, ending at 23.00 hours, followed by 8 hours of darkness or using non melatonin suppressing light (Red Light). A natural dawn can then occur during the most sensitive phase of the 24 hour cycle.


Research has shown that the hours of daylight are the major factor controlling the mare's reproductive function, the hormone melatonin is produced during the hours of darkness and is the primary regulator of the mare's breeding cycle. As the days lengthen in spring, melatonin production decreases signaling the approach of the breeding season. We know now that Blue light within the short-wavelength spectrum (465–485 nm) is most effective at inhibiting melatonin. Melanopsin is particularly sensitive to short wavelength, blue light. This is most effectively done with an optimized stable light.

A common side effect of early foaling is longer gestation periods and lower birth weights. Using light therapy has also shown to improve the birth weight and shorten the gestation period by up to 10 days in mares with early foaling dates. Gestation periods and foaling dates which are more regular can also shorten the period of time the mare has to be kept under supervision before foaling. This has a direct benefit to the breeder. 





Regular price€498,85
Tax included.

This Advanced equine lighting therapy system features the unique HorseLight blue and white LED daylight therapy and a red night light that is designed for observation and rest/recuperation time for the horse.

Delivers correct lux levels to support health and wellness benefits for a stabled horse

Suitable for a 4m x 4m stable size.

Five year guarantee. 

Designed to be used in conjunction with HorseLight Controller which will automatically switch the daylight lights on according to the pre-programmed seasonal and day timer and automatically switch over to red lights at night.

HorseLights can be linked together and programmed from a shared controller.

The red night light is perfect for observation, foaling and late night checks. It will not affect the melatonin (sleep hormone) therefore ensuring horses are relaxed and well rested during the hours of darkness.

For installation by an electrician